One Small Voice

By Kristene O’Dell

This book has a two-fold purpose: to help others understand that not only does Father want to save you and make you whole, but he also created you with a purpose. You have a specific expression of God’s kingdom design to present to the world. You were created in his image and that image should shine through you so that others may come to know him. My hope is that you find truth on the pages of this book that enables you to walk in the light of his love – a love that casts out all fear and longs to reveal that you are truly accepted in the beloved. And then, in turn, become the perfect tool in the master artist’s hands as he creates and recreates to reveal his glory through every life he touches.

Where the Dirt Road Leads

By Mandy Owen

This is my story of life, love, rejection, pain, mistakes–and thankfully, overcoming. It is a road map of how I changed my stars to align with Jesus Christ. In doing so, He brought joy and fulfillment to this once broken vessel. I recently heard a teaching that stated the road to righteousness starts when fifty-one percent or more of your heart wants to do the right thing. How many of us, at some point in our lives, have fallen into a pit, wanting so badly to do the right thing? But instead, we continued to make mistake after mistake to the point that we felt completely lost and unforgivable. You are not alone. Redemption is always God’s plan wherever we find ourselves. All it takes is a decision to put one foot in front of the other while you take God’s hand and let Him lead.

Adonde Conduce El Camino Inmundo

By Mandy Owen


By Junia Voltaire Dumesle

Survival is the story of a young woman’s harrowing experience during the Haitian earthquake of 2010. It is also the story of the seedling faith of a young girl and how she had to learn to rely fully on God to overcome the insurmountable obstacles that devastation brought to her doorstep. Junia is now a mature woman of faith and uses her testimony to help others heal from deep trauma. She exudes the love of Jesus and understands first hand that He brings beauty from ashes. Her book is riveting and her pure faith refreshing.