Kristene O'Dell

Kristene O'Dell


Kristene O’Dell is the owner of 8 Owls Publishing. Her involvement in Spirit-led movements and her education in both healing revivals and theological studies uniquely equip her to mentor others to be the light needed in our culture today. Her books are both deeply personal and theologically sound. She uses the rawness of her pain to display how Jesus heals us to the uttermost. She will challenge you, but she will also walk with you on the journey.

Mandy Owen

Mandy Owen


Mandy Owen is 8 Owls Publishing pioneer author. When you read her story of overcoming great obstacles to become the strong woman of faith she is today, you see that the role of pioneer suits her. Her strength and her ability to continue to press forward has now paved the way for others to find complete freedom in Christ. Her book reads easy and you won’t be able to put it down. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy her journey!

Lester Bailey

Lester Bailey


Lester Bailey is a modern day renaissance man. His prophetic insight and creative flow add a unique element to your quiet time with the Father. Although he is direct and down to earth, Lester’s creative bent will help lead you into the presence of God as you engage with his work through Bible Study, contemplation, and artistic expression. Make sure you have an array of map colors as you add your own flair to his creative work.

K. A. Alexander

K. A. Alexander


K.A. Alexander is one imaginative, adventurous, fun-filled lady and her exuberance spills out on the page as she writes. Her first book, Blood Garden is book one of a trilogy. And with Annette (K.A.), many more adventures are on the way. She has a unique gift of being an intriguing story teller while interweaving truth throughout the storylines of her fictional characters. Her books are easy to read and leave you wanting more. Rest assured, we are encouraging her to finish book two.

John Bates

John Bates


John is the senior leader of Freedom Fellowship Intl, a global missionary, and an entrepreneur. Although his books will challenge the status quo, he has an ease about the way he communicates that is refreshing and allows for you to journey with him into new territory. You can’t read his books without feeling activated in the Spirit–no matter the subject matter. So, put your hiking boots on and take the challenge. I promise you will enjoy the climb.

Junia Voltaire Dumesle

Junia Voltaire Dumesle


Junia Voltaire Dumesle is a breath of fresh air. She has overcome tremendous odds to not only survive hardship, but thrive. Her no nonsense approach to faith and life is just what the doctor ordered. The way she approaches faith will have you doing some internal work yourself as you remember Paul’s admonition of not making our Christian walk overcomplicated, but rather remembering the simplicity of faith in Christ.

Pastor Rich Knight

Pastor Rich Knight


You will love how Rich takes difficult subject matter and makes it easy to understand and apply. His books are used as resources in a school that equips and trains people to operate in prophetic ministry. And although Rich certainly does that through his written resources, he also adds a bit of humor into the mix. I think you will find him real, honest, and full of practical wisdom.

Heather Landry

Heather Landry


Heather Landry loves children! Being a former pre-K teacher, she has great insight into what motivates the heart of a child. Her books are full of wonderment and joy, as well as the practical lessons that littles love to soak up. She started with a beautifully illustrated ABC’s book, but it is just the beginning. She has others already in the works and I’m sure they will prove to be as joyful and engaging as her first.
Nathan Horton

Nathan Horton


Nathaniel R Horton is a teacher in the truest sense of the word. He has a gift for taking large abstract concepts and breaking them down into bite-sized pieces that are easily digestible. But don’t let those bite-sized nuggets fool you. When you are done reading his books, you will feel full and nourished in a way that will energize your walk with Jesus.