A Word From The Owner Of 8 Owls Publishing Kristene O’Dell

A Word From The Owner Of 8 Owls Publishing Kristene O’Dell

Renaissance–a revival of learning and culture. The origin of the word comes from the Old French meaning rebirth. We most closely associate the word Renaissance with the surge of artistic endeavors expressed through painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and literature between the 14th and 17th century. However, today it is vitally important that we cultivate a rebirth of principles and ideas that build up culture and allow for an expansion of Kingdom ways throughout the world.

Christian Writers

8 Owls Publishing is looking for Christian writers who see themselves as Kingdom-minded Renaissance authors. Writers who bring light and restoration into a culture in need of the true gospel message. We are a non-exclusive company, meaning we are open to receiving non-solicited manuscripts. However, we do reserve the right to publish material that only adheres to our vision statement. For more information on submitting your manuscript, please email info@8owlspublishing.com.

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For more information about 8 Owls Publishing or on submitting your manuscript, please use the form below to contact us.

It is obvious while perusing any local bookstore that well written literature, which strengthens the moral fiber of our nation, is essential. Every genre is in need of books written with a Biblical worldview in mind. Bible Studies and other theological works will and should continue to be produced within the Christian world. Thankfully, testimonial memoirs are on the rise. However, what would it look like if Christian writers were to create tremendously compelling stories that rival the success of YA books such as The Hunger Games or the Harry Potter series?